Sunday 7 September 2014

Paid Search Conversions - The Sweet Spot Of Facebook

By Arees Furqan

There are several strategies that are becoming more well known in the advertising arena in regard to seeing higher profits than ever before. A lot of this has to do with the fact that people are realizing, because of the vast audience attached to the Facebook social media network, cross channel advertising is the way to go.

A company by the name of Kenshoo has recently put out a statement calling this type of advertising a gateway to the Sweet Spot of Facebook ads. A number of tests were done, which showed that you could get high conversions regardless of what you were selling.

Branding And Advertising - Another thing that was noted was that people that are trying to promote specific brands, and that were using cross channel marketing, or actually finding high levels of success opposed to the typical siloed approach. Essentially, instead of targeting keywords or people that were directly related to products and services that you have to offer, by marketing to people that were similar, but not the same in regard to demographics and interests, higher profits were actually achieved.

Higher Conversions With Paid Search - The conclusion of the study basically showed that if people really wanted to improve their sales that they should spend more money on paid search with Facebook than with other advertising companies.

Have you ever use Facebook advertising before? Up until a few years ago, only a handful of people were diligently using this platform and they were reaping the rewards of learning how to use the system. Since that time, Facebook has made many advancements on their advertising platform which included and easier to use interface and also a better way of targeting people throughout their network.

This means if you spend too little, or if you are spending too much, your conversions, and your profitability, will suffer. Many people have said this for years such as those that would advertise using five dollars a day opposed to those that were using $20 a day. Those that were spending $50 a day did not have as good of conversions for specific keywords they were targeting opposed to those that were spending half as much.

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