Saturday 8 November 2014

The Benefits Of A Crystal Nail File

By Etta Bowen

All women like their fingernails to look their best and have used emery and metal boards for this purpose for many years. However, more recently a crystal nail file has come onto the market. Many women are discovering the benefits of using such a file. They find that it leaves their nails feeling smooth and looking glossy and healthy. Such a product may require a greater financial outlay initially but its durability and other benefits more than make up for this in the long run.

These files are manufactured from tempered and hardened crystal glass. The best quality ones are very strong and durable. The hardening process they undergo means that have a practically unlimited life span. In event that one does become damaged, it should not be used again as even a small chip reduces the integrity of the product and it is possible that it may break.

The hardness of the glass allows for an abrasive surface to be created by acid etching or sand blasting. This permanent etching is ideal for filing as it is gentle and leaves edges of nails noticeably smoother. Emery and metal boards are sold with varying degrees of grit referring to the number of abrasive grain particles that can fit into a square inch. A lower grit number is rougher on the nails and most glass files have a high grit size.

This abrasive surface does not wear down, unlike emery boards that lose their effectiveness fairly quickly. It continues to offer the same quality throughout its life span. Artificial and natural nails can be safely filed but dipping the file in water before use is recommended when filing artificial ones.

Nails do not chip, split or peel because the keratin layers are actually sealed together. Nails are left glossy and smooth and even ones that are thinning or chipped can be restored. Some people imagine that these files are too gentle and will not grind effectively. This is not the case and they are abrasive enough to do the job. They also offer excellent control for shaping.

One of the advantages of these products is that they are easy to clean. Just running them under water is often enough. If necessary, a brush and some detergent will do the trick. The non-porous nature of the glass means that these files are very hygienic. There is no place for bacteria or fungus to take hold.

Professional beauticians often use these products. They are attracted to them because they are effective, hygienic and easy to clean. They can offer their clients a high quality manicure due to the good grinding performance and know that nails will not be damaged. It is also possible to sterilize files after use with heat or alcohol. This is essential when working with a number of different clients and infections to be passed from one client to another.

A product like this lasts for a long time if cared for correctly and any extra expense in purchasing one is easily compensated for by its durability. It is available in many attractive designs, often including elements like Swarovski crystals, sandblasted logos and embellished handles. Different designs, sizes and colors are available for purchase from many online stores today.

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