Thursday 26 June 2014

5 Steps To Making A Video

By Rose Marie D'Amico

Want to know how to create do-it-yourself marketing videos for your business?

Today, it's a bit easier. And the technology we have today has allowed me to raise-the-bar on the quality of my videos (using tool like my iPhone!) and help me generate over 1.7 Million views just on my YouTube Channel.

So whether you are an online entrepreneur, local business owner, author or coach, you can start making quick and easy videos with these simple steps.

Step #1: Your Intention.

What do you want to accomplish? Identify this first, and it will become much easier to make your video a reality.

Step #2: Script it.

Turning the camera on and "winging it" is a scary option. It will most likely leave you with a long, rambling version of a video that most people will click off and avoid. Not good. That's why step #2 is to take a moment to plan and script your video. Be concise and keep your video short.

Now that you know WHAT you want to say in your video, it's time to film it. Any camera will long as it's HD quality.

We've used iPhones, GoPRO's, dSLRs, and handycams. The best camera is the one that you will actually use.

It will save sooo much time and money!

The next step is to edit your original footage. The software I recommend is Screenflow (Mac only). If you're on a PC, I recommend Sony Vegas or Camtasia. However, editing can be the biggest bottleneck to your it's always best to outsource it if you can.

Step #5: Broadcast it! is probably your best bet. It's a great place to start, and you have the opportunity to get massive amount of views from your video...if you optimize it properly.

This will be determined by several factors such as authority, relevancy and engagement. Another effective strategy is consistency.

And if you follow those steps, you will have successfully make a marketing video for your business! Woohoo! Now it's time to rinse and repeat!

Get to work!

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