Saturday 18 January 2014

It Is Not Hard To Learn How To Become A Professional Dancer

By Marissa Velazquez

Dancing is one of the best ways of expressing one's self and staying in shape. Children often dream about becoming dancers because it's such a great way to earn your living. If you're asking how to become a professional dancer, the most important thing to keep in mind is to love dancing, as a way of communicating emotions.

The career in question is one of taking chances. Like in many liberal professions, you have to rely on your talent and stay confident even when people around aren't as supportive as you would need them to be. It takes a great deal of work to be a good dancer. Sometimes along the way, you will have to deal with moments when you question your own talent or if your efforts will ever pay off.

The first step in dancing is being yourself. By knowing your own rhythm, you can then move your body according to it. By moving your body in a certain manner, with tension or grace or joy or laziness you can awake feelings in your audience and connect with them this way. It's an art you master through time, hard work and passion.

Connecting with people and communicating through your dance is the most subtle part of dancing. Other great things about dancing as a profession include that you meet a lot of interesting people. You also travel a lot and experience new things.

The difficult part comes with the fact that you need a lot of self-discipline. You will have to live the life of an artist and maybe suffer a bit for your art. But in the end, it's all worth it. You will learn so many things about yourself. And this will also challenge you to become a better person and a better dancer.

The relationship you will have with your audience during a performance will bring out the best and sometimes the worst in you. But that is just because us humans are that complex. And having the courage to step up and represent universal traits and feelings on the stage will fulfill you as a person.

Dancing is a way of speaking what words can't say. By dancing, you will speak the unspeakable and awake your audience to do the same. It takes a lot of courage to do this, a lot of hard work and the vulnerability you will feel when exposing yourself. That's why it's important to feel that dancing is something you do and feel alive when doing it.

Yes, it takes a great deal of courage to follow this career path. The best answer to how to become a professional dancer is follow your dream, enjoy every moment of it and be dedicated. As long as you love what you do, love comes back to you.

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